Pat Noyes & Associates offers a unique combination of transportation, public involvement and collaborative decision making services.
We provide consulting services focused on bringing organizations, diverse disciplines and the public together to identify opportunities and develop solutions to complex public policy and management issues.
Pat Noyes & Associates integrates the expertise of decision process experts, transportation and emergency response specialists, mediators and facilitators to develop policy and management solutions collaboratively. We focus on the following services:
* Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO)
* Traffic Incident Management Program Development
* Collaborative Decision Making and Public Involvement
* Residential Traffic Management
Pat Noyes & Associates is managed by Pat Noyes who offers over 43 years experience in public and private sector transportation planning and traffic engineering, 39 years experience in public involvement process design and facilitation, and 14 years in fire/rescue services.
Ms. Noyes has spent the last 34 years integrating mediation and conflict resolution skills and techniques into the design and implementation of comprehensive public outreach efforts in the transportation field. She draws from experience in multi-party mediation and project partnering facilitation as well as management and transportation engineering to provide a keen understanding of transportation planning and public process. Pat was the Technical Editor for U.S. DOT's ITS e-Primer, the author of Module 1 of the ITS ePrimer, Chapter 6: Effective Public Involvement of the Traffic Engineering Handbook, 5th Edition and the Traffic Calming Primer, and co-author of the NCHRP 20-07/345 Program Planning and Development for Transportation System Management and Operations (TSM&O) in State Departments of Transportation and FHWA's new TSMO guide, Developing and Sustaining a Transportation Systems Management and Operations Mission for Your Organization: A Primer on TSMO Program Planning.